Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Be Crazy…Or Just Plain Stupid

Back when I first started running, I joined a local group called Team in Training. Team in Training (known around the community as TNT), was affiliated with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Their focus was on helping to raise funds for cancer research while allowing individuals to train and race various distances...half marathons, marathons, triathlons, century rides, etc. When I received the flyer in the mail, I was still new to Columbus and was NOT an athlete. I’m a definite gym class dropout. I was somewhat in shape but NOT a runner. So I took a chance and decided to join TNT and train for the Columbus Distance Classic in May of 2007. I had to raise about $1000 (I think) and it was scary, but I hit my goal...AND I ran the half marathon in a time of 2:28. Crazy! I remember thinking I’d never be able to run another 13.1 miles.

That summer I signed up to do another half marathon with TNT, this time in San Diego, CA. I had to raise more this time, probably close to $2000 (again, not sure). There was more to cover...hotel expenses and airfare to CA. That half was a challenge but I finished and again felt like I had done something spectacular. I decided to run my first full marathon that fall, October 2007, with TNT. I was a “team leader” that time and didn’t have to raise as much money, but still had to raise some funds. Being a local event, I think it was about $500-ish or so. My first full marathon was the Columbus Marathon in October of 2007. Finished in a time of 5:05 and was hooked.

I haven’t done any fundraising associate with my racing since that time. Asking for money has always been a challenging endeavor for me….I’m not sure how to do it or how to convince others to give of their hard earned cash for my efforts. I think because money is such a scary thing for me (not having enough, worrying about it, etc), I tend to shy away from risks that involve fundraising or asking for money.

But Pelotonia has always been intriguing for me. Pelotonia is a 2 day bike ride with various routes and options, all designated for the efforts of raising money for cancer research. Since its inception, Pelotonia has raised millions of dollars for cancer research. Many of my friends have done this race multiple times, riding 50, 75 or even 100 miles one way and sometimes doing the same thing the next day. They raise serious cash…..a one way 100 mile ride in Pelotonia is a commitment of raising $1800. Yikes.

This past year my good friend Heather discovered a lump in her breast and was diagnosed with cancer. She went through treatment and has come out the other side. Heather is young, a professional in the community and has always been so good to me. She joined my run group in the past few years and has run half marathons and a full marathon. This year, she was determined to ride Pelotonia as a survivor. And I’ve always dreamed of joining her.

But to do so I’ll have to get past this fear of raising the necessary $1800 for the one way ride from Columbus to Gambier. With all I have going on in my life right now, I’m wondering if it’s a smart choice. I keep thinking of the line from Forrest Gump, “Are ya crazy? Or just plain stupid?” And maybe I would be to try this. But another side of me says “go for it…..get outside yourself for once and do something for others. Use your love of training and your efforts towards IMAZ to help others like Heather have a chance. Do it in honor of your mother, a colon cancer survivor. Do it in memory of your grandparents, who died of lymphoma. Do it in memory of your colleague’s aunt who just lost her battle this past week. Do it in memory of your other colleague’s father who won’t get to watch his grandson grow. Do it in the name of so many others who have been through WAY worse things that you can ever dream of experiencingg. Do it because YOU CAN.”

So stay tuned. I think I’ll probably take the plunge later on this week. And I’d love to have your support. Be Crazy, or Just Plain Stupid. Be Brave.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I didn't realized that you got into running almost exactly how I did--started with a half with TNT, and did a full a year and a half later. Even our times were almost exactly the same! I don't think I'll go as far as you did, though--I have no interest in triathlons, and an Ironman is completely unfathomable. But I do hope to do another marathon.

    Good luck with the fundraising if you decide to go for it. It's humbling to ask for money, but it's a good cause, and I know you can do it. Let me know if you need any tips--I raised $5500 for TNT when I did my half!
