Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Be Growin' Up

So I probably annoyed some folks during the month of April, but that’s ok. My birthday was April 22 and I was turning 34 years old. I’ve always been a fan of birthdays. My parents always tried hard when we were growing up to make our birthdays special. We were on the “every other year you can have a party with your friends and on the opposite year it’s just a party for family only” plan.  That was ok too. I was fortunate to have a sleepover party in kindergarten where the best part of the night was cramming all 4 of us 5 year olds onto my older brother’s waterbed, a roller skating party in elementary school, a pizza/movie night in junior high and a dinner out with girlfriends in high school….and I got to drive (and was sung to by the staff at Chi-Chi’s and wore a big sombrero).

Milk jugs! YES!

Family Camp at Lake Michigan

To this day one of my favorite foods is Mom's spaghetti sauce

Ballet……it didn't stick.

Jumping on the bandwagon of a friend of mine, the awesome Marie Miller, I thought I’d try to notice something special and unique about each day in April. The purpose of this wasn’t to promote myself or make a big deal out of my one day, but to try to push myself to see beauty and joy in each day and express that with a heart of gratitude. I kept thinking that there were some people out there thinking “Ok Amy, you get a day….not a month. Just a day.” It reminded me of that scene from Sex and the City where Charlotte is trying to make sure her “wedding week” goes smoothly and Miranda reminds her “Ok Charlotte, you get a day. Not a week. Just a day.”

April was a challenging month in many personal ways. However, I felt like I really tried to find the blessings and the surprises that I might have missed. I took some chances and formed some of my own birthday celebrations and just hoped people would show up….and they did! I ran a “so-so” marathon and didn’t end up stewing and having a pity party for the rest of the day. I got to see a college friend and a conversation we had almost 12 years ago in a coffee shop in Holland, Michigan became the beginning of a journey that led us both to that day, where we could call ourselves professionals in the field of eating disorders...who would’ve thought? :) I celebrated my birthday with cards and lots of well wishes, a lunch at a new favorite place with Ironchef Becky, a birthday breakfast with my swim group and dear friend Yazi, a sushi dinner with some amazing people, and a happy hour wine night with more incredible folks.

with Yazi :)

Birthday swim party!

Wine and chocolate…let's party!

Turns out celebrating is still fun.

And I learned a lot in April. I learned to ask for help when you need it…...people are willing to offer accountability and support. I learned that life is short and people leave our world too soon….tell those in your life that you love them often. I learned that as much as you train for a race sometimes the conditions and your body challenge you….suck it up and be grateful for the gift of racing. I’ve learned that pain can make you isolate and feel incredibly down and alone...try to push against it…..even just a little bit.

So I might not be exactly where I had always hoped I’d be at age 34, but maybe that’s ok. My plans and reality haven’t always seen eye to eye.  I’m sure there will still be days when I question my place in the world and in life and worry about the future…..but for now I’ll just put one foot in front of the other, and welcome the feet that walk along side me and kick my ass when I need it. Be Growin’ up. Be Brave.

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