Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Be Lucky: IMAZ Part 3

I woke up about 1.5-2 days after passing out on the side of the Beeline Rd.

Upon waking up, I remember being confused and uncertain what to think about where I was and how I felt. My parents were in the room and I was technically in the ICU area of the Scottsdale Hospital. My parents started to give me the low-down on what had happened…..

When my parents and brothers arrived at the hospital, there was discussion with them from the doctors about what had happened. I had fallen off the right side of my bike, fractured about 7 ribs and broke/fractured my right clavicle. I had hit my head on the ground and cracked my beautiful aero helmet and caused my brain to bounce off the left side of my head and cause some internal bleeding. Initially the doctors had told my parents that if the swelling didn’t go down in reasonable time, they would be doing brain surgery before anything else. Thankfully that wasn’t how my body responded and the swelling did go down a bit during the day of Nov 16. I can’t believe I was that close to brain surgery, or even having my family “lose” me for that matter. Once Nov 17 arrived, Monday, the orthopedic doctor on staff fixed my clavicle by inserting a small piece to arrange the healing to occur and gave me 10 black stitches.  

Learning all of this was step 1. After this was just sitting with it all and recognizing how many hands and hearts had helped in making things transition out of my control. My brothers and Carrie had gotten my transition bags for me and gave them to my parents. Carrie took my bike back to Tri Bike Transport for it to be taken back to Ohio. Carrie returned my rental car and checked out of the hotel before leaving to go back to Ohio on Monday. All had been taken care of, which relieved me.  Laying there in the hospital gown, I realized my race outfit had literally been cut off of me, which devastated me. That outfit was something I wore in every IM I could, and it was removed quickly. My Just Tri jersey was covered in blood and gone.

My younger brother had left to go back to DC but before leaving, he and Carrie and my other good friend Ann started being a voice to others who were wondering what the hell was going on with me...and for that I'm beyond grateful. This wasn’t the way I had hoped or wanted the day to end. I kept thinking about how expensive this was going to be. My flight home to Ohio, set for Nov 19 wasn’t going to happen.

I ended up staying in the ICU until Nov 21(ish) and then was transported upstairs to the 6th floor for a longer stay. I was in pain. My chest and back hurt from the breaks and fractures. At random times I could feel myself cognitively struggling and putting words together was challenging. I’ve been told that when others have TBI (traumatic brain injuries) that sometimes cognitive functioning can be affected more than realized.

When I moved up to the 6th floor I realized that Carrie, my brother Chris and Ann had actually started a fund online to help me with expenses related to my own living expenses and hospital bills. This blew me away. I’m still shocked and tearful when I think about it now. Reflecting on that as a recipient and then also reflecting on how others in my life have just generally given to me is mind blowing. I never EVER imagined such generosity...and the best part about this is that it totally goes against my biggest fear: not having enough money to pay bills. Once I learned this news I finally felt like I could work on getting better...whatever that meant. I knew it would tell my practice back in Ohio that I wouldn’t be back to work for a bit, and that’s been received with grace.

While in the ICU and 6th floor I was able to receive flowers by Judy Stowers, a IM worker who came by not only with a greeting from IM but also some nice IM shirts which I’m grateful for since that wasn’t a place in the IM area I could stop by ever again. My friend Mikaila sent me an amazing box of goodies which included a loving soft lamb...totally helpful. My dear friend Jamie, who met me by fate last year when we all signed up for IMAZ, stopped by with goodies and extra clothes for me. Jamie finished IMAZ in stellar time and was a bit sweetheart for making sure I was ok, bringing me a balloon AND a One Multisport (Scottsdale Tri Club) shirt that actually had my name on it!  She stopped by a second time with our other friend Tom, who also finished IMAZ in stellar time. Tom gifted me his IMAZ finisher medal for the time being….for me to hold and carry with me in order to continue finishing this “race” before I go back to Ohio. Will definitely get it back to him when I leave! What a guy :)

I wasn’t thrilled about what had happened and each day that went by I worried about what would come next, but at the same time I couldn’t change what had happened. Looking back on how I arrived into the hospital, I was lucky to be alive. Simply put.

Be Lucky. Be Brave.


  1. You are brave!! Amazing! Lucky!

  2. Love you! Take care and be gentle with yourself! We need you back in full strength, but you need to take time to recover!
