Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Be Bloggin'

On my last tempo run this morning before the Athens marathon on Sunday I had a thought about posting something about each of the blogs I listed on my own personal blog (on the right side). I know y'all are smart enough to click on the links if you're interested, but each of these blogs have inspired me in various ways....these folks are doing amazing things in their own effort to Be Brave.

-Base Tri Fitness: she's a business owner, a superstar athlete and an overall inspiring person whom I'm grateful for the chance to know. Lauren Updyke has been through numerous challenges in her life and has come through each one with the kind of strength I only hope one day I have achieve. She's mentally tough and inspires many. Read her's worth it! (

-Gym Class Dropout: I first met Amber when I was training with Team in Training almost 8 years ago, when I decided to try my luck at running. We both got married within a week of each other and attended the same U2 concert on our honeymoons! Lately Amber and her husband Tony have been tirelessly attending to their precious baby boy, Elias who in his short life has undergone numerous health challenges AND a liver transplant. She has the strength of a warrior. She's uber-brave! (

-Gluten free is Life: Kim is a proud voice in the GF community and began her blog to help people like me not waste money on GF products that weren't tasty! She's smart, generous and has made tremendous strides in her life, all while forming her own career as a personal trainer and a coach in our running group! She inspires me more than she knows. (

-Ditch the Tiara: life is crazy and how you meet people can be SO what you need at that point in your life. I met Kristina on my last little "spin" before IMKY in 2012. We literally met riding our bikes. She had this hot pink tri-bike that I was drooling over. We talked, got to know each other a bit and have kept in touch ever since. She is the epitome of bravery. She's been through lots of crap and continues to have one of the most amazing mindsets I've ever seen. She's bold, sassy and determined. Amazing gal! (

-Keeping Tabs: Tabitha amazes me. She's brave enough to pick up her life and travel the world, without fear of knowing how everything might work out or what the next steps might be. Her experiences are amazing, and I"m proud to know her as my friend. I love her spirit for adventure and her writing is something I hope I can aspire to. Soon she'll be off earning her PhD! Follow her travels on her blog....VERY much worth it! (

-TRI'ing to be Fit: Iron Ann is a force to be reckoned with....this girl has done numerous Ironman triathlons including the epic Ironman Lake Tahoe in 2013. She survived freezing cold temps and finished. Ann inspires me literally on a daily basis. She loves triathlon and embraces training, not feeling as though she has to be the best or the fastest...she literally LOVES THE SPORT. Beyond that she is one of the most generous people I know and a true friend. She puts others before herself everyday and I only hope I can try to be as brave as her this year in my own endeavors. (

-S/V Wildcard: want to know what bravery and adventure really is all about? It's about a couple who leave everything behind and take a risk. Robin and Heather have left their life in Columbus, Ohio and have made plans to travel the boat! They purchased a boat, the S/V Wildcard and have planned their route to all sorts of amazing places....the Caribbean, South America, New Zealand, etc. Heather plans to blog and document their experiences, so you HAVE to follow this blog. I'm super inspired by their commitment to each other and their willingness to ACT on their dreams! (

-Brave Girls Club: this is something I just discovered in the past month. I get daily emails from this site which have been incredibly helpful and supportive to me, especially recently. It's full of healthy, positive and encouraging messages of hope, resilience and bravery. Sign up for their daily emails...I promise you you'll be glad you did. (

-Marathon Mum: Jeanne is everyone's favorite badass marathon mum! She's a longstanding coach in our running group and overall an encouraging supporter of all. She's run numerous marathons and is dipping her toes into the tri world.....I see big things happening for this lady in the next few years. Jeanne inspires me to continue reaching for goals and challenges, no matter your limitations, age or circumstances. She's an awesome lady to know! (

There you have it! Follow them! Be Bloggin'. Be Brave.

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