Monday, April 28, 2014

Be Celebrating

Glass City Marathon, Toledo, Ohio, April 27, 2014. Last year this was a race that rained from start to finish and somehow (miraculously perhaps) I was fortunate to run my first sub-4 hour marathon. This year with a few scheduling challenges, I wasn’t able to run this race, but was able to find time to head up that way to cheer on dozens of running friends who were tackling the half and full marathon distance. What a day!

Red Bull and Bananas! It's GO TIME!

Representing the 614!!!

There were many dreams and hopes in the hearts of my fellow runners. Some were running their very first marathon ever, some were hoping for a PR, some were hoping to finish strong and have fun, some were hoping to race fast enough to have a BQ time and some were running to push their fellow runners along…..lots of reasons to run! For me personally it was a chilly and windy day but I never heard those conditions be a struggle for the runners….rather quite often I heard “we couldn’t have asked for better conditions.” Wow, great attitudes.

So speedy I barely go a picture of him! Go Bryan!

All in all I saw amazing performances. Tons of personal bests, tons of first marathon finishes, and tons of BOSTON QUALIFIERS! Being at the finish and watching the faces of my friends who recognized they qualified for the illustrious Boston Marathon was beautiful. So amazing.

Way to go Sullivan! She'll run her 2nd Boston!

First time qualifier Sue Bell! Way to go !

2 BQ's! Way to go Coach Teri and Angela!

Huener did it! It'll be her 2nd Boston!

She did it! Stephanie Harless with a first BQ!

What a great day for MIT athletes!

And if I'm honest, there was a bit of my own ego getting in the way. I had struggled in my marathon 2 weeks ago in Athens, and my original goal there was not to get a BQ time, but to get closer to my BQ qualifying time. When things didn’t go the way I wanted them to go, I was trying really hard to maintain a strong mental position and be optimistic. And truthfully for about 80% of the time, I still am optimistic. There’s always that part of a runner’s brain that teases us, saying, “Could you have tried harder? Did you lay it all out there despite your hurting hip? Did you have what it takes like you’re seeing all your Glass City friends do today? Did you wimp out? They had strong headwinds too, maybe you just didn’t push it hard enough? Should you have overcome all the weather and body aches to still pump out a PR?” Blah, blah, blah…..I know that my big fish of the year is Ironman Arizona and chasing the dream of a BQ might have to wait a bit. So knowing that made it a little challenging yesterday. I can’t push that dream and train optimally for an Ironman. But one day I’ll get there.

Celebrating with beer and Crosley!

Martin, Crosley and Steph celebrate!

Amazing finishes abound!

Way to finish John!

A happy Stephanie sees her family!

Above all I celebrate the accomplishments of those I run with and that is beyond everything my own mind and ego try to push on me. I’m proud and grateful for these strong and talented people in my life and I’m grateful for the chance to see goals chased, dreams met and celebrations abound. It was a great day and I’m proud of you all. Now, it’s time to Be Celebrating! Be Brave.

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